Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pursuing Our Passion: Sharing the Journey of Conquering Obstacles

Just recently we updated our website with new shirts, a new tagline and a re-focused direction for One Less Nemesis. We originally thought that our brand was taking out your nemesis on a shirt, taking down your pet peeve, irritation and things that stand in your way. But in truth, our brand was born from pursuing our passions. Snowboarding, to be exact. Our OLN founder was on the slopes (Steven's Pass), boarding one day, and found them too crowded with skiers. He thought "If there was just one less skier in our way today..." and thus One Less Nemesis was born!

That's why we've refocused. It's not just about the rivalries in life. It's about pursuing your passions and conquering the obstacles that get in your way. And because we started out with our snowboard and ski designs, we've continued to expand our action and board sports apparel to include skateboarding and surfing. But even if you're not into board sports (I'm not!) you might be passionate about the University of Washington Huskies. Or Twilight. Or MMA. Or your MAC. We've got you covered there too. And we'll keep adding new designs. Because we believe that everyone has the right to pursue their passions and not let anything stand in their way! That's what our real passion is. Building this brand, reaching people who are passionate and sharing in their fun and enjoyment. We think this is a really unique but ultimately very universal idea. We'd like to share our journey with you. We've had plenty of obstacles as we've started building this company. We'll be blogging and talking about what we've done, where we're at and where we are going. Join us and share the ride!


Cranberryfries said...

I like the idea of pursuing your passion. Looking forward to reading more about your journey.

One Less Nemesis said...

You and your family has been integral to our existence! I think you'll get a kick out of the next post...

Elle said...

Love the new tagline. Can't wait to see what you do next.

One Less Nemesis said...

Thanks, Elle. We are so excited about our new direction! We can't wait to share with you what we're doing.

Mandy said...

Sounds like an awesome plan! I hope this opens up tons of new avenues for OLN while keeping it crazy fun and unique.


One Less Nemesis said...

Thank you, Mandy! We do too!!

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