Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Emerald City Comicon Recap!

No matter how long we've been doing cons and events, each one is its own individual experience with its own individual challenges. Emerald City Comicon made sure we knew that! Our setup was one of the longest setups we've had. We decided that when shows are local to one of us, it's almost more work because we can keep tweaking and changing things up to the last minute. But we were so happy with how the booth turned out and we had a great show!

We also brought our new Con*Quest Adventure Journals™ to the con, as well as our full line-up of tees and merchandise. Friday was definitely our strongest day at the show. Some of the most fun things that happen now that we are repeating events are the return of customers from last year, seeing attendees wearing our shirts and meeting online friends and fans in person!

Here is our Emerald City Comicon experience in pictures:

I was busy making more these and Tardis key necklaces every night

Our Con*Quest Adventure Journals™!

Fiona, Marshall Lee and BMO

I always get goosebumpy when I see R2

Long line just to get on the escalator

Best Game of Thrones Cosplay ever

Show Exclusive BOOM! Adventure Time comic


We love these guys! We're Instagram friends and finally met in person.

The Oatmeal's drawing in my Con*Quest journal
The Oatmeal signed "Mrowwy Night"
Osric Chau (aka Supernatural's Kevin Tran) with his loving fans

We love Osric so hard, he spent some time with us Saturday

Tardis and Dalek worlds collide

Hand painted Walking Dead Vans

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

Don't know what we'd do without Jimmy John's. AND they deliver to the convention center, so I made him sign my Con*Quest Journal

Weeping Angel cosplay

Return customer sportin' our Bird of Prey Star Trek tee

Totally robotic Dalek
ThrowBoy pillows cracked us up, great vendor at the show

LOOOONG line for airport security at SEATAC

Next up is C2E2 in Chicago! Come see us in booth 743!

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